Comment from Municipal Manager on Sandbaai forum’s latest press release

Comment from Municipal Manager on Sandbaai forum’s latest press release

Following the press release of the Schulphoek Action Group (SAG) on 16 July 2023 on the Sandbaai Forum regarding the outcome of a meeting with Overstrand Municipality’s Protection Services Directorate, the following concerns are raised. Firstly, there was only a telephone discussion and no meeting between the parties.

Although they are making some statements that are par for the course in terms of Council’s responsibilities in Schulphoek, from which we never shirked, it would seem that they are claiming the opposite.

While it is true that there were telephonic discussions between Protection Services Director, Neville Michaels and the chairperson of the Sandbaai Action Group (SAG), it is not true that there was agreement to collaborate to address issues in Schulphoek.

The Municipality together with SAPS remains the primary agencies for law enforcement in the Overstrand and have an obligation to work with all communities. We do not choose to collaborate, but it is imperative that we must. So, the notion being punted by the Sandbaai Forum that the SAG received “special treatment” in this matter is simply disingenuous. In fact, there was no discussion between the SAG on Saturday, 15 July as claimed in the press release.

It should further be noted that only the Mayor and the Municipal Manager (or their delegates) are mandated to formally pronounce on any business of Council and the Municipality. In this issue there were no formal pronouncements. The reference to complaints from the SAG being seen as personal or orchestrated attacks is rejected with the contempt it deserves as most of them were proven to not be legitimate.

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